Principal's Message
Mrs. Kimberly Miles
Facebook: #EastGreshamElementarySchool
Instagram: east.gresham.elementary
Twitter: @EastGreshamElem
Principal: Dr. Kimberly Miles
Grades: K-5
Mascot: Eagles
School Colors: Blue, Grey, & White
Mission: We are committed to empowering our community of learners. We know each student is capable. We value each child.
Vision: Together We Succeed! No Exceptions! No Excuses!
Students will:
- Learn to Read and Read to Learn
- Engage in Personalized Goal Setting
- Measure and Monitor Growth Towards Individual & Grade-Level Goals
- Generalize & Justify their Thinking & Reasoning with Structured Student Talk
- Build an Understanding of Social & Emotional Awareness for Self-Regulation
Teachers and Leaders will:
- Collaborate for Equitable Student Outcomes
- Use Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies
- Strategize Alignment of Instructional Practices
- Design Student Assessments for Learning
- Analyze Student Performance Data for Informed Decision-Making
Staff, Parents, & Families will:
- Celebrate and Recognize Student Growth
- Develop Student Leadership Opportunities
- Support Positive Student Interactions with Restorative Practices
- Create Opportunities for Parent Engagement & Partnerships
- Cultivate and Prioritize Respectful Relationships
Dr. Kimberly Miles, Principal
East Gresham Elementary School